Functionality of get_template_part() in WordPress Development

By utilizing get_template_part(), developers can include template files within other template files, promoting a more efficient workflow. This function enables the separation of different sections of a theme, such as headers, footers, sidebars, or custom loops, into distinct files. This separation enhances code readability and makes it simpler to update or customize individual components without affecting the entire theme structure.

An example of the basic use of the function

Suppose you want to include a custom loop in your category.php template. You can create a separate template part file named custom-loop.php and use get_template_part('custom-loop') within category.php to include this custom loop section.

if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
else: echo 'No content';

An example of the full use of the function

With get_template_part( $slug, $name, $args ), developers can dynamically load template parts based on specific parameters, enabling them to create reusable components across different sections of their theme. The $slug parameter denotes the general template file while the optional $name parameter specifies a more specific template part within the file. Additionally, the $args parameter allows for passing arguments to the template part, further enhancing its flexibility and functionality.

if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
		$args = array( 'class_loop' => 'custom_loop_class' );
		get_template_part('content', 'custom-loop', $args );
else: echo 'No content';

To maintain a well-organized theme structure, you can create a directory named template-parts within your theme directory. Inside this directory, you can place all your template part files, including content-custom-loop.php. This segregation helps in easily locating and managing different template sections.

Example of getting the $args argument in the template part content-custom-loop.php.

if ($args) {
	$class_loop = $args['class_loop'];

Example of dynamic loading from directories

get_template_part( 'content/custom-loop' );

The result: content/custom-loop.php

get_template_part( 'content/custom-loop', 'main' );

The result content/custom-loop-main.php or if this file does not exist it will content/custom-loop.php.

By leveraging the capabilities of get_template_part(), WordPress developers can create dynamic and adaptable theme layouts, enhancing code reusability and streamlining the development process for a more efficient and scalable theme architecture.