
Adding Shortcodes with add_shortcode() and Practical Examples

By using add_shortcode, WordPress developers can define their own Shortcodes and associate them with callback functions responsible for generating the content to be displayed when the shortcode is utilized.

Related Post WordPress Without Plugin

When developing a WordPress post template, it’s common to need to display Related Posts at the end of an article or in the sidebar

Practical Use of the get_the_category() Function in the Post Template

The get_the_category() function in WordPress is a tool when it comes to retrieving the categories associated with a post

Using ACF Options Page as Template Settings

The functions acf_add_options_page and acf_add_options_sub_page in ACF are essential for creating customizable options pages in WordPress

Using Url Parameters in WordPress

In WordPress, you can use parameters in your URLs to pass data to your site and retrieve it in your PHP code.

the_excerpt() Function in WordPress: Implementation, Length

It is particularly useful in situations where you want to show a condensed version of the post content, such as on archive pages or in a list of posts

Add a custom class/classes to body_class()

By using the body_class() function, you can easily add custom classes to your WordPress content, pages, and posts.

Get the ID of the Current or Parent Category in the Template category.php

Using this code, you will be able to effectively identify the ID of the current category or parent category in your WordPress template.