Remove or unregister stylesheets using the functions wp_deregister_style() and wp_dequeue_style()

Efficient management of CSS styles is vital for a fast and responsive WordPress site. The functions wp_deregister_style() and wp_dequeue_style() are instrumental in optimizing style loading. This article explains the purpose of these functions, how to use them, and their differences.

Code Example in function.php:

// Function to manage styles in WordPress
function my_theme_manage_styles() {
    // Dequeue a style
    // Deregister a style
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_theme_manage_styles');

Detailed Code Breakdown:

The code snippet above showcases how to remove styles from the queue using wp_dequeue_style() and completely deregister them with wp_deregister_style(). The wp_dequeue_style() function stops a style from being loaded, while wp_deregister_style() removes the style’s registration entirely.

Practical Example of Using wp_deregister_style() and wp_dequeue_style()

// Register and enqueue a custom stylesheet
function enqueue_custom_style() {
    wp_register_style('custom-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/css/custom-style.css');
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'enqueue_custom_style');

// Deregister and dequeue the custom stylesheet on specific pages
function remove_custom_style() {
    if (is_front_page()) {
        wp_dequeue_style('custom-style'); // Temporarily disable on the front page
    if (is_page('about-us')) {
        wp_deregister_style('custom-style'); // Completely remove on the 'About Us' page
add_action('wp_print_styles', 'remove_custom_style');

In this example:

  • We first register and enqueue a custom stylesheet named ‘custom-style’ in the theme.
  • Then, we use wp_dequeue_style() to temporarily disable the stylesheet on the front page.
  • Finally, we use wp_deregister_style() to completely remove the stylesheet on the ‘About Us’ page.

By combining wp_deregister_style() and wp_dequeue_style() strategically, developers can control the loading and presence of stylesheets based on specific conditions and requirements within their WordPress projects.

Both wp_deregister_style() and wp_dequeue_style() are functions used in WordPress for managing stylesheets, but they have some differences in their functionality.


  • Both functions are used to remove or deregister stylesheets that have been previously registered or enqueued in WordPress.
  • They help in optimizing the loading of styles and improving the performance of the website by preventing unnecessary styles from being loaded.


  • wp_deregister_style():
    • This function completely removes a registered stylesheet from the list of styles that will be output on the page.
    • Once deregistered, the stylesheet will not be loaded regardless of any enqueued instances.
    • Useful when you want to completely remove a stylesheet from the WordPress site.
  • wp_dequeue_style():
    • This function dequeues a stylesheet that has been previously enqueued but does not completely deregister it.
    • The stylesheet remains registered and can be re-enqueued later if needed.
    • Useful when you want to temporarily disable a stylesheet without removing its registration.

When to Use

Use wp_dequeue_style() when you want to conditionally exclude a style from loading on certain pages. Use wp_deregister_style() when you want to remove a style from the site entirely, such as when overriding plugin styles.

In essence, wp_deregister_style() is more permanent in removing a stylesheet, while wp_dequeue_style() is more temporary in just disabling its loading on the current page. Both functions provide flexibility in managing stylesheets based on specific needs and optimization requirements.